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The Light that Shines Through the Darkness

Light that flickers through the darkness, shadows that fade,
brightness surrounded by dark spots, gentle passages separating the tones with no lines to mark their bounds, rough sandy textures, soft vague colors, the feeling of mystery.these are some of the elements that draw my attention as I work. They are far more important to me than the subject I’m painting.
My subject matter comes from my surroundings: beloved objects, my well-tended plants, animals under my care, landscapes, actual, imaginary or nostalgic.
Portraits, a common subject of my painting, reflect my search for the wonder of being. Many of them, products of my imagination, seek a certain nameless expression. An expression with no characteristic signs.
At the beginning of my journey as an artist I created imaginary figures, half human, half animal.
As the years went by I wandered between detailed realistic paintings and those that were almost abstract; from formal, faithful, precise likenesses to free and loose representations to a place where the painted object is only a pretext for the drama created.
I looked for traces of time in my painted objects. Particularly in the portraits. I was after the silence. The silence that follows the never ending storm.

ציפור(סוג של) שמן על בד, 100על120בערך, 1

One of my early paintings: half animels, half human.

הדיוקן הראשון שציירתי

My first portrait

הרישום הראשון שלי מתוך התבוננות

My first drawing from observation

©2020 by Nomi Bruckmann

Site design: Omri Sheffer

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